Get Back On The Trails at NORA!
2023 NORA Alumni Coach & Drive
NORA Alumni Driver + all passengers: $375 (Discounted to $345 for early signup)
1 Additional NORA Alumni Driver +$165
NORA Rental rigs available, see below.
Public class (10am-2pm) click date to register: Sat 11/11
This refresher Coach & Drive class is exclusively for NORA Alumni. Drivers who completed an off road driving class at our Ellenville, NY facility may register as a Driver. Alumni Passengers and new passengers are welcome to ride-along with their Driver at no charge. Raise your off road questions at the start of class and instructors will customize the lessons based on what participants want to focus on (i.e., spotting, picking a line, etc.). Lesson topics and trails for each class may vary based on the group attending.
Length: 4 hours on-site, 1 hour recorded presentation available
Location: Your email will be enabled to view the online presentation about a week before your class. Onsite training is held at our Ellenville, NY Training Center.
Who: All NORA Alumni who received driver training at our Ellenville facility. You will need to provide approximate month/year of your training class during online registration.
What’s Included: An online recorded safety & driving tips presentation will be made available to view about a week before class but is not mandatory. Arrive onsite and air down your tires. Soon after we will have a short outdoor refresher of safe driving technique, trail etiquette, and spotter hand signals. We then hit NORA’s trail network exploring terrain old and new. We expect to cover plenty of trails as NORA staff will lead the group in their own vehicles, stopping at select areas for lessons. Instructors are always available should you need a spot. Bring your lunch, snacks and favorite non-alcoholic beverages.
Requirements: Bring your stock (unmodified) or modified 4 wheel drive vehicle with 4-low and front/rear recovery points. Vehicle must be street legal, registered & insured. Drivers must have a valid drivers license, only 1 driver per vehicle.
Vehicle Rentals: Rent a NORA trail rig for the class; contact us to confirm availability before registering.
Gift Certificates Available: Click here to shop Class Gift Certificates
Private Training: Click here to learn about Private Training options

Credit only (valid for 1 year), no refunds
7 days prior to class date: Full credit
6 days up to day before class date: Full credit less $50 service fee
Day of class - 50% credit
We may have cancellations, if this class is ‘Sold Out’ send an email to to get on the waitlist!